.NET and .ORG Domain Names |
.COM - to be used for commercial and personal sites
.NET - recommended for companies involved in Internet infrastructure
.ORG - recommended for not-for-profit organizations
Domain names must contain only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
Domain names cannot begin or end with a hyphen
Domain names must have less than 63* characters, not including .COM,
.NET and .ORG
* .com, .net and .org domain names exceeding a total
of 26 characters are supported by most web browsers. However, certain
web browsers, email programs and other Internet related applications
may not support domain names over 26 characters.
Domain Names |
.CC - Cocos (Keeling)
Islands, to be used for commercial and personal sites
Use only letters,
numbers, or hyphen ("-")
Cannot begin or
end with a hyphen
Must have less than
63 characters, not including .CC
Click here for .cc Service Agreement
Domain Names |
.TV - Tuvalu, to
be used for commercial and personal sites
Use only letters,
numbers, or hyphen ("-")
Cannot begin or
end with a hyphen
Must have less than
63 characters, not including .TV
Click here for .tv Service Agreement
and .ORG.UK Domain
Names |
.CO.UK - United
Kingdom TLD used for both commercial and personal sites
.ORG.UK - United
Kingdom TLD used for both commercial and personal sites
Use only letters,
numbers, or hyphen ("-")
Cannot begin or
end with a hyphen
Must have at least
3 characters, but less than 23, not including .CO.UK and .ORG.UK
here for .uk (NOMINET) Service Agreement
Domain Names |
.CA registrants
must meet Canadian presence requirements as defined by CIRA
(Canadian Internet Registration Authority)
Use only letters,
numbers, or hyphen ("-")
Cannot begin or
end with a hyphen
Length. Domain names
must be not less than two (2) and not greater than fifty (50) characters
Click here for .ca Service Agreement